I Shall Not Be Shaken

In our recent church service, we delved into the profound truth of standing firm in faith amidst life's trials and challenges. The central theme of the sermon revolved around the concept of spiritual warfare and the imperative for believers to equip themselves with the whole armor of God, as outlined in Ephesians 6:10-18. We were fervently reminded us that just as a soldier prepares for battle, so too must we prepare ourselves spiritually to withstand the schemes of the enemy.

Embracing the Living Truth:

The Word of God is not mere text on paper; it is alive and powerful, infused with the breath of the Holy Spirit. By declaring God's Word over our lives, we engage in spiritual warfare and proclaim victory over darkness.

Maintaining an Eternal Perspective

In the face of trials and tribulations, it is vital to maintain an eternal perspective. Our present sufferings are temporary and are working to prepare us for the promises that God has in store for our lives.

The Power of Faith and Praise

We were reminded that our faith, coupled with heartfelt praise, has the power to move mountains and cause the enemies of Christ to flee. Let us never underestimate the potency of our faith-filled declarations and praises to God.


As we reflect on the powerful message shared during our service, let us be encouraged to stand firm in our faith, knowing that we serve a God who is faithful and victorious. Let us put on the whole armor of God daily and walk in the liberty by which Christ has set us free.

May we carry with us the assurance that we are more than conquerors through Christ who loves us. Let us face each day with unwavering faith, trusting in God's unfailing promises and His ability to bring us into victory.

Join Us Next Sunday:

We invite you to join us for our next service as we continue to delve into the richness of God's Word and grow together in faith. Together, let us stand firm, united in Christ, and ready to face whatever challenges may come our way.

Looking for a vibrant, community-centered church in Valley Stream, NY? Laborers for Christ Church welcomes all to our faith-filled community. From enriching sermons and interactive Bible studies to Sunday worship and community outreach programs, we're here to walk with you on your spiritual journey. Discover a spiritual home with us as we strive to be a beacon of love, faith, and community. Whether you're new to faith or a lifelong believer, join us at Laborers for Christ Church and strengthen your relationship with God.