Preserved In Christ

God's love for you is extraordinary, far from ordinary. It's an everlasting love, a love without conditions or limits. In moments when you feel let down by the people around you or sense an absence of love, remember this: God loves you profoundly. His love is incomparable to anything in this world, and you can receive it freely. Today, we'll explore the message of being "preserved in Christ" and how it intertwines with God's unconditional love.

God's Unconditional Love

God's love for you is unlike any other. It's not based on your performance or actions; it's a constant, unwavering, and unconditional love. In times of disappointment or when you feel unloved, know that God declares, "I love you." This is a love you can receive wholeheartedly. God's love is beyond anything in this world, and it's essential to embrace it fully.

Preserved in Christ

Turning to the Book of Jude in the Bible, we find a message of assurance and protection for believers. It reminds us that we are not only called and sanctified by God the Father but also preserved in Jesus Christ. To be preserved means being prepared and protected for the challenges life may bring. It's like getting ready for a storm before it arrives. God is with you, equipping you with spiritual armor and everything you need to stand strong in adversity.

Stand Strong in Faith

Knowing that you are preserved in Christ empowers you to stand strong in your faith. Just as you would hire a lawyer when facing a legal battle, trust in God as your ultimate Defender in life's challenges. He has prepared you, equipped you, and preserved you in Christ. When storms come your way, remember that you are never alone. You have your spiritual armor, your prayers, and your unwavering faith. With God's love as your shield, you can face anything that comes your way.

No Condemnation in Christ

When life accuses you, remember that you have a Defender in Christ. Even before facing persecution or trials, you are already declared "not guilty" by the blood of Jesus. The world may try to bring accusations and make you look guilty, but in Christ, you stand blameless. The accuser may target you, but you are preserved and covered by God's grace. You are free from condemnation.

Overcoming Tribulation

As a believer preserved in Christ, you can be of good cheer even amid tribulations. Jesus assured us that we would face challenges in this world, but He overcame the world. Therefore, you have the authority and the power to overcome whatever trials come your way. Your preservation in Christ means you are victorious in the end. Be patient, wait on the Lord, and know that you win.


As you go about your day, carry this message with you: God loves you unconditionally, and you are preserved in Christ. God's love is the foundation of this preservation, empowering you to stand strong in your faith and face life's challenges with confidence. Embrace His love wholeheartedly, knowing that it surpasses any love you will ever encounter in this world. With this knowledge and God's love as your shield, you can confidently face whatever challenges life presents, knowing that you are preserved, protected, and victorious in Christ.

Looking for a vibrant, community-centered church in Valley Stream, NY? Laborers for Christ Church welcomes all to our faith-filled community. From enriching sermons and interactive Bible studies to Sunday worship and community outreach programs, we're here to walk with you on your spiritual journey. Discover a spiritual home with us as we strive to be a beacon of love, faith, and community. Whether you're new to faith or a lifelong believer, join us at Laborers for Christ Church and strengthen your relationship with God.